At school I had the most hateful art teacher - Miss Smith - the stuff of nightmares.
Any inclination I had towards art as an academic subject was completely quashed which was a shame really because I love painting, drawing and generally being creative.
Since having children, there has never been a shortage of arts and crafts materials in the house. Any opportunity I get to splosh a bit of paint around or uncap the felt tips, I jump at it. I don't consider myself an artist by any stretch of the imagination but I absolutely love the place it takes me to when I lose myself in a project.
This weekend creation blog hop contribution shows what happens when I raid the Arts and Crafts cupboard!
Our Potty Training Incentive Plan |
Mutant Foetus T shirt I painted to wear over my pregnant belly at my
sister's 13th Wedding Anniversary Horror Party |
Poster made as a prop for a video |
I love these and totally admire your sense of humour! Excellent additions to the creative poole! Many thanks for your link up - come back often and anytime. :) Shah .X