Monday, 16 May 2011

Knitted Toys - from a nana with love

Ever since I bought Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Toys book from the charity shop and gave it to my mum, she has gone into overdrive on knitted toy production. Now, instead of bringing a cardi or jumper per weekly visit for one of the little ones, she brings a variety of cute, cuddly characters.

Mum is the first to admit she is learning as she goes and not all of her efforts have yielded the greatest of successes. Some of her toys would certainly never be awarded any sort of safety standard and have had to be designated 'top shelf ornamental status' lest they prove choking hazards... and her baby white mouse does actually look, to my eyes, much more akin to a super absorbent tampon rather than a twitchy whiskered rodent.

Joking aside, I absolutely adore her little creations made with love and can't help thinking that there is enormous potential there to customise with a bit of imagination.

I have dabbled with knitting at various points in my life (mostly during pregnancy) and do find it surprisingly relaxing. My mum has very generously agreed to share not just her wool and needles but her time and patience to be my knitting mentor as I attempt one or two creations of my own. As with most things, finding the time to dedicate to it is difficult so my progress is painfully slow. I have been practicing technique on a tiny little fish that only takes minutes to produce and have been so delighted to see my daughter playing fantastically imaginative games with the freaky family I have made (one in particular bears far too close a resemblance to a penis!).

I was so enjoying the knitting experience that I went out to buy my own set of needles and a ball of wool to practice with when mum and her many coloured oddments were not available.

I took my 3 year old daughter with me to buy the wool. I selected a lovely soft, neutral grey and asked her what she thought of the colour. She took it out of my hand, said "That is not good" and put it back on the shelf. She then selected a shocking pink ball, placed it in my hand and very emphatically stated "That is good".  Who was I to argue?!

What does the pink fish top right remind you of?!


  1. beautiful toys
    I love crochet :)

  2. I think your photography has actually made the woollen toys look acceptable especially the ladybirds. I am loving my knitting experience and am still learning by by mistakes but the important thing to me is I am actually enjoying knitting these toys and find it very relaxing.

  3. I actually love the mouse!! I found a pompom owl & mouse I made when I was in year 11 the other day - Tori thought they were ace - I was just waiting for their felt ears/wings/feet to fall off and get eaten....


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