
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Something horrible....

Something horrible happened to me today.

Yesterday, my teenage daughter had been busying herself making a cardboard model of a Dalek from a set. It took her ages and I admired her perseverance. What I didn't admire was the fact that she failed to put the set away when she had finished. This morning, my three year old decided it was her turn and within seconds whilst I was busy with the baby, there were cardboard components of a Cyberman all over the kitchen floor. I thought I'd better try and retrieve it before it was rendered completely unusable. Unfortunately, I stepped on a piece of Cyberman and in true comedy 'stepping on a banana skin' fashion, went flying. One second I was upright, the next I was flat on my back on the floor. It would actually have been really funny had I not had the baby in my arms.

I landed very hard on the tiled kitchen floor. Every instinct I had worked to protect the baby at whatever cost to myself. His little head was frighteningly close to smashing on the floor. It didn't. I saved him. He cried with the shock of it but he was unharmed.

I did not come off quite so well. My elbow feels the worst. It took quite a whack in my effort to protect the baby's head. I have a big bruise on my thigh, one ankle and wrist feel decidedly dodgy and there is an all over dull ache. None of this matters very much compared with the horrible visions that keep running through my head of what could have been.


  1. Jesus christ, that must have been awful.

    I used to have nightmares of falling whilst holding Freyja. Thank goodness he's OK. Hope you haven't done any serious damage hun x

  2. I had a bit of a similar shock on Sunday, although obviously less dangerous. Just written a blog about it.
    You had a lucky escape.

  3. Oh no how scary!! Hope you're feeling better soon x

  4. OMG! How awful! I do hope you're okay and nothing's broken!

  5. Thats awful - a similiar thing happened to me when I was carrying my little boy when he was a baby so I know what you mean about thinking what could've happened!

    Take care of yourself and just think how well you did to save your baby from being hurt x x

  6. Glad you and baby are OK. Hope your elbow heals fast. It happened to me and my daughter who was less than a year old at the time. We were walking on a sidewalk and I stepped on a metal grid that was slippery.

  7. That sounds incredibly frightening and I am glad you are both ok, if not for you being bruised. I found you via the blog hop and am now following! :)

  8. Bless you, that sounds terrible. Glad you are both OK. I broke my ankle falling down the stairs holding my baby when he was a week and a half old. I don't think I will ever forget that moment of not giving a crap about myself but wondering whether he was OK (he was fine!)... Put your feet up this evening and relax! Emma :) Popping over from Blow your own bloghorn...

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your fall but so glad that your instinct kicked in and Dylan was unhurt, I know without question that if Dylan had been hurt you would have felt a lot worse than you did. The bruising you sustained was bad enough but thank goodness it wasn't worse. Hope you are feeling a little less battered.

  10. oh no how awful, I slipped down a couple of stairs once whilst holding Jack & sat on the stairs & cried as it was such a shock.
    Hope you're ok now
