
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Movie Meme #10 - Horror

I love the horror genre above all others and I am looking forward to watching The Collector tonight (courtesy of the DVD Library Inside the Wendy House!)

My all time favourite horror film would have to be Hellraiser from the brilliant, visionary mind of Clive Barker. There is the strangely charismatic Pinhead played by classically trained actor Doug Bradley as well as a visual feast of dark and dangerous characters collectively known as the Cenobites.

The tag line "He'll tear your soul apart" does sum up the extreme nature of this movie. It is not just your mortal flesh that will suffer should you fall foul of the Cenobites.

The message that the film delivers is don't mess with what you don't understand and if you should find yourself in possession of a peculiar looking puzzle box, DO NOT under any circumstances be tempted to fiddle with it!

I was given a 'Pinhead' Mask a long time ago (possibly the best present EVER). It is very old and fragile now yet still maintains the power to freak my children out! Here he is dressed for Xmas!


  1. I love your Pinhead mask! And adore the movie.

    In fact, I watched it during the early stages of labour whilst waiting for the contractions to get closer together. Couldn't have spent those 2 hours doing anything better! x

  2. I LOVE THAT MASK!! Want it :)

    Good film choice!

  3. I will need to see if the Wendy House library has a copy of this film - not seen it amazingly x

  4. Yet another great film! And love the mask!

  5. Thanks for joining the blog hop!
    Check out my other blog if you haven't yet:

  6. Oh godddd I haven't seen Hellraiser in years, bloody love it!
    Awesome choice and awesome mask! xx

  7. I don't think I've actually seen Hellraiser all the way though - just seen bits of it. Need to sort that out don't I?

    I love that pinhead you dress him up for all festivities? ;)
