
Monday 25 April 2011

Magpie Monday - Inca Plates

Me and My Shadow

During an unsuccessful scour of the local charity shops with my girls for jewellery for their music video (which they ended up buying from Primark on a miserly budget) I chanced upon a couple of plates in the 3 for  £1 box. I bought a side plate (always useful) to make up the three and took my purchases home.

Taylor modelling all the 'non charity shop' jewellery

My two new plates are Barker Brothers Royal Tudor Ware in the Inca design. I love them and I have used them so many times this week - for sandwich platters when we were expecting hungry family to descend on us for lunch, for holding the sausages and burgers prior to cooking on our many barbecues to make the most of the good weather, as a cake plate for the three year old's hedgehog birthday cake.... I honestly don't know how I would have managed without them. I am grateful to the hand of fate that united us for the bargain price of 33 (and a third) pence each!


  1. Ahhh perfect shape for a hedgehog cake (which is amazing by the way!).

    Thanks for linking up. When do we get to see this video I can't wait :0)

  2. Lovely, lovely, lovely ! I want !
    Love the cake too and the gorgeous daughter : ) xx

  3. One of those plates that I should imagine you will use over and over, what a bargain! x

  4. Fab plates and excellent cake - my mum made me one like that when I was little, I loved it!

  5. Love your photo's! And the plates are lovely too.

  6. Oh those are fabulous!

    I love that little hedgehog ;-)!

  7. Lovely plates and hedgehog and one very cool Taylor - hope all goes well with the video :)

  8. What lovely plates - just perfect for a hedgehog!

  9. Really like those plates... good find x

  10. Taylor is looking good!
