
Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Gallery - Week 51 - Education

This week's Gallery theme is Education.

It got me thinking about the Foundation degree in Teaching and Learning I completed three years ago. Had I not fallen pregnant with my daughter I would probably have gone on to complete a BA with a teaching qualification before embarking on a career as a primary school teacher. As it was, my files, assignments and module resources got relegated to the loft and replaced with nappies, parenting manuals and board books.

In the interest of Spring Cleaning and general de-cluttering, I ventured into the loft today. There seems little point in keeping any of the pile of stuff accumulated throughout the course so I dedicate this Gallery post to the months of effort and hard work that this photo represents before everything is recycled.

I may not have become a teacher but I did learn how to spell and use in context (although still not 100% sure on pronunciation) the words pedagogy and pedagogical. One day that may serve me well.


  1. Looking at this gives me a headache, I was never good with hardwork!

  2. Trust me, you didn't miss anything.


  3. That's a lot of paperwork which looks very complex - nothing the recycling can't handle though :) xx

  4. I agree with Vickie lol - looks like a lot of hard work :0

  5. It seems such a shame to throw it away but rather than clog up the loft....

  6. I've been embarking on a bit of spring cleaning myself. It's such a good feeling to clear out cluttered space.

  7. I am a teacher and have never used the words pedagogy or pedagogical once. *bows down to you*

  8. Good to declutter! Do you think you may return to teaching onecday and complete the BA? X

  9. By the time my youngest is old enough for me to consider not being a SAHM I'll be in my 50s. That seems far too close to retirement age to be starting a new career! But never say never.

  10. Hee hee, I left University 7 years ago after 3 hard years Bachelor of Education study; didn't do the final year because I had a baby, since then I've had 3 more, and before I even started the bleeding degree I had 2 daughters. I haven't got rid of my stuff either, but thinking about it, I reckon it's out of date by now. I know I am!
