
Thursday 24 March 2011

School Photo

Tara's Gallery this week on theme 'Education' saw a lot of old school photographs coming out of the woodwork. Tara has a fabulous plan to collate all these images and create a Blogger's YearBook.

I only have two old school photographs. Next time I visit my mum I will have to raid her albums for more but meanwhile it was a choice between me with a rather fetching 70s Feather Cut and my favourite C&A T-shirt and this one of me with my very best sky blue crimplene high necked dress and a shiny fringe. This one stole the spot but only because the other (although more recent) was already so faded that I wasn't sure it would survive the scanning process.

It's an odd feeling looking at this long ago version of myself, knowing all she has to experience, both good and bad. That little girl is still somewhere inside of me and today I acknowledge her, give her a big hug and hope that somehow, through time and space, she feels the love.


  1. you are so pretty and look so optimistic here -I love your sentiment about looking back at yourself - I feel that too xxx

  2. I always loved this photo of you but, from the time you posed for this picture, you have matured into a beautiful young woman.

  3. ...erm ...middle-aged woman now mum!!!
