
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Firefly Toothbrush - Review

There was a beautiful young mum on One Born Every Minute this week with the worst teeth.

It makes you appreciate the importance of good dental hygiene.

My little girl has a full set of baby teeth - tiny and white. She loves to brush them and knows that this forms part of her bedtime and morning routine.

The important thing now is for us to make sure that her brushing is effective.

Expert opinion suggests that two minutes is the optimum time for brushing, one minute each on the upper and lower sets.

Firefly is America's number one bestselling children's toothbrush and they are now available in the UK. They come in a range of familiar Character designs which are instantly appealing but the most interesting feature is the Light Up Technology. At the press of the button, the toothbrush will light up and flash for 1 minute. The child must brush for the duration of the flashing for the upper teeth and again for the lower teeth.

As well as making teeth brushing fun, Firefly ensures that children know how long to brush for thus promoting good dental hygiene habits.

I was sent a Firefly Hello Kitty toothbrush to try with my little girl. This is how we got on.

Obviously some parental supervision is still necessary to monitor technique but the Firefly timer will definitely be beneficial in terms of getting her to brush for the required length of time and my little one does love her flashing Hello Kitty toothbrush.

The Firefly range is available from Lloyds Pharmacy, Argos and other leading independent stockists  priced £1.49 - £2.49.


  1. I'm all for anything that makes brushing teeth more fun. I have been a bit fanatical over my boys brushing their teeth and have tried lots of these type of brushes in the past.

    I am proud to say that neither of my boys have ever had to have a filing and both have beautiful teeth. In fact my 15 year old Son came home from school the other day rather pleased that one of the girls he fancies had commented on how nice his teeth are. I think that now more than ever having nice teeth is very important.

  2. I love how she moves her head from side to side instead of the brush XD

  3. Award for you at mine:

