
Friday 21 January 2011

Qwerty Mum Looking for a CyberMummy Sponsor

You will see from my archives that I only started this blog in September last year but now it is hard to imagine life without it. Blogging has become very important to me. I love how it gives Stay at Home Mums like myself a voice and enables us to connect with each other.

I was lucky enough to win the "Have You Got What it Takes to be a Toyolgist?" competition from Toys R Us by submitting the video below and have thrown myself into the task of reviewing the toys sent to me with great enthusiasm.

I am seeking sponsorship to attend this year's CyberMummy conference as I believe it will give me the tools to develop my blog fully over the coming months.

I am 46 years old. I have four grown up daughters from my first marriage and a son (7 months) and a daughter (nearly 3 yrs) from my second marriage. I am a keen amateur writer and photographer and more recently have developed editing skills that enable me to create videos. I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to  get creative and would work hard to promote your brand should you feel I am the sort of parent blogger that your company could benefit from a partnership with.

In exchange for the cost of the CyberMummy ticket and transport (approximately £200) I would be happy, for the duration of the sponsorship, to 
  • display any company Logos or banners on my blog
  • publish dedicated blog posts for your company or products
  • provide company link in any posts relating to CyberMummy
  • review any products on my blog, including publishing videos to my YouTube channel
  • host competitions/giveaways
  • give mentions on Facebook and Twitter
  • wear any promotional clothing etc as you see fit at the CyberMummy conference
If you feel that this Social Media exposure would be of benefit to you and would like to consider sponsoring me, I would love to hear from you.

Please contact Paula Virgo:


  1. If I was in a position to sponsor a Mummy Blogger,I'd want someone as committed, talented, innovative and creative as you. You offer real value for money and I wish you lots of luck! x
