
Saturday 22 January 2011

Making Smiles on Faces Award

I am completely delighted that my lovely blogging daughter, Liberty has seen fit to honour me with this award.

Liberty is 22 years old and lives with her boyfriend not far from me. She pops in to visit her old mum quite often, we go to the gym together two or three times a week and this evening, she and her boyfriend are treating me and my husband to a night out at the local curry restaurant. We have exactly the sort of relationship I always hoped I'd have with the chicks that fly the nest and I think her blog about reading, writing and dreaming is beautiful.

Her justification for the "Smiles" award was the videos I post of my two little ones. Baby brother and sister on video are probably much easier to handle than in real life!

Now it is my turn to pass the award to blogging friends that make me smile.

My first award is so easy and obvious, going to my little sister Inside the Wendy House.

We started our blogging adventure at about the same time. We have shared so much together throughout our lives and this sharing continues in cyberspace. I help her with the odd bit of video editing and she explains to me the difference between a sponsored post and a product review. I am a very regular visitor to her blog, always finding something that makes me smile.

My second award goes to Not Met Megan.

My sister might be a bit put out by this one because Megan is her daughter and she almost certainly would want to present her with the award herself. However, Megan knows how proud her mum is of her so I wanted to get this in first so that she might know that her Auntie is proud of her too.

I wouldn't feel right about not presenting the award to my other blogging daughter, Taylor the "not a boy". She doesn't post nearly often enough but when she does it definitely makes me smile.

I seem to have taken a rather nepotistic approach to this awarding lark thus far. To remedy this I would like to suggest that one person deserves this award above all others for her fabulous weekly meme that gets us all thinking of reasons to be cheerful. All that cheerfulness in one place is guaranteed to make you smile. Thank you so much Mummy from the Heart for making me count my blessings and making it easy to bask in the cheeriness of everyone else's. Please accept this very small token of my appreciation.


  1. Awww, this is a lovely award, well done you and those you passed it on to :) Jen

  2. I am having a bit of an emotional day and I just read this. And I know it's silly, but it made me have a bit of a cry (in a good way), which probably counteracts the idea of a 'smiling faces' award. I know it's just a small gesture but that actually meant the world to me what you said.
    I love you.

  3. As I said on Wendy's blog earlier, how lucky you are to be surrounded by such lovely women!

    PS. I had no idea you were all related. How fabulous and amazing!


  4. As I said on Wendy's blog earlier, how lucky you are to be surrounded by such lovely women!

    PS. I had no idea you were all related. How fabulous and amazing!


  5. Yey!! Thank you Mimi :) I love you xxx <3
