
Friday 21 January 2011

Nuby Review - The No-Spill Easy-Grip Cup and The Flip-It Beaker

The Nuby No-Spill Easy Grip Cup is suitable for babies from 6 months. My little man is very nearly 7 months but has never known anything other than the breast. I could see straight away that this cup would make an easy transition from a bottle but I was keen to see if it was something my son would take to readily.

I used Organic mineral water with a splash of apple in the cup - a brand new taste - it was a day of firsts for a small boy.

He was very interested in the Cup, exploring with hands and mouth. The contoured shape did seem particularly suited to little hands making it easy to manoeuvre. He needed a bit of  help to get the spout to his mouth but he had a very good go by himself before I intervened.

I recently tried to introduce a dummy to my boy because I was having a lot of trouble settling him down at night. He hated it with a passion, spitting it out and shaking his head from side to side to avoid it. There was no such issue with the silicon No-Spill Spout. I could see his little tongue investigating it thoroughly. I have to admit, he didn't actually take a lot of the drink this first time but he did have a few really good mouthfuls. He had to work quite hard for it but that is prefereable to the horrible look of panic as too much liquid rushes down the unsuspecting little throat of a baby who is trying to drink from an ordinary cup.

The other huge advantage of the No-Spill Cup, of course, is the no mess element. I could happily leave the boy with minimal supervision to get on with it without fear of him soaking himself and everything around him.

The No-Spill Spout is astonishingly good. Even when given a good shake in the inverted position (cup that is, not son!), the drink remained safely contained within.

The Cup was dropped onto the tiled kitchen floor several times during this first exploration, to no ill effect.

We also tested the No-Spill Flip-It Beaker. This is recommended for babies from 9 months.

My 2 year old is perfectly capable of drinking out of a regular cup, mug, glass, straw, bottle or can. There isn't anything she can't handle.

This was a non alcoholic, sparkling fruit juice drink!
However, for her safety, my peace of mind and the sake of my carpets and soft furnishings, I prefer her to have a lidded beaker of some description for the times when she is not sat at the table.

She loved having bottled mineral water with sports caps, the same as her older sisters, but it made me cringe when I saw her using her precious little pearly white baby teeth to pull the sports cap top into the drinking position. Not wanting to discourage her from drinking water, I gave her the Flip-It beaker instead.

The Flip-It beaker was received with enthusiasm. The bright colours are appealing, it is lovely to hold and the Flip-It mechanism fascinated her. As well as being interesting to the child, there is a very practical purpose to the Flip-It top in that it protects the straw from contamination.

I am slightly worried that my daughter is prone to chewing on the straw which will cause damage. Replacement straws  are available in that eventuality.

In my previous review I asked the question:

Did Nuby deserve its reputation as "one of the world's leading baby and infant feeding brands" ?

I can now honestly say that for the innovative designs, the attention to detail, the appeal to both parent and child and the extensive range to cover just about every need, my answer to that question is a resounding YES.

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  1. I love all the choices. Something to suit each child's needs...and they don't spill!!

  2. It does look totally like she's drinking wine XD An award awaits you on my blog :)
