
Thursday 12 April 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful

The fact that both my little ones are back to their normal naughty selves after such a long time of being ill with chicken pox and sickness, has made me incredibly cheerful.

We had a successful shopping trip to buy clothes and Dylan surprised us all with his penchant for modelling when we got home.

It may have cost an arm and a leg and a few extra limbs thrown in for good measure, but all the children and myself have had a long overdue trip to the hairdresser. For Addy and Dylan, it was the milestone moment of first haircut. Dylan sat beautifully while his fluffy, baby hair was trimmed into a 'little boy' style. Addy was less co-operative and considerably more vocal but we eventually came up with a strategy that worked. It was such a pleasure to wash and brush her hair last night compared with the usual battle with the tangles.

My husband has been away since Tuesday visiting his parents and his daughter from his first marriage. As far as I can gather, it is all going well which pleases me but I am missing him. I did, however, get to spend a lovely evening with him before he left, without the kids interrupting. I am always so grateful for the time we have together when the spark of magic, that makes me know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, ignites.

On Monday, we are off to Spain for a short break. Due to a mix up with dates, this trip falls in school time rather than the Easter holiday. Once we explained the situation, the kids' schools were really understanding and granted us leave of absence. Given that the first week of our Easter holiday was so completely consumed by illness, I am really happy that we are having this extension. It's actually more than just happy - I feel that I need it! Sunshine, relaxation and a goodly amount of Spanish wine should be just what I need to recharge the batteries ready to face whatever new challenges lie ahead.


  1. Aww soo glad to hear the little ones are feeling better, chicken pox is nasty :( Hope you all have a lovely time away in Spain xxx

  2. Aww I'm glad the haircuts went well!
    Hope you have a wonderful time in Spain! We went a week ago and our daughter had the time of her life.

  3. Have a wonderful holiday Paula. Mich x
