
Sunday 15 April 2012

Off to sunny Spain...

Tomorrow, my husband and I are taking our two little ones and 15 year old Charis to Spain for a much needed holiday. As well as an opportunity to relax and enjoy a sandy beach (and hopefully some sunshine), it gives Charis a chance to practise her Spanish and get a feel for the language to help her with her GCSE.

I am normally terrible when it comes to holiday preparation. I pack for every eventuality and throw in a few more things for good measure. I invariably end up bringing back a whole lot of unused things that would have been much better off left at home! This time, I am breaking the habit and using "Travel Light" as my mantra. I am convinced that the less burdened I am with unnecessary luggage, the freer I will be to enjoy my holiday. I have packed frighteningly little but am determined that I won't have an eleventh hour panic and start filling additional bags with 'just in case' items.

I will be taking our Peppa Pig Mini Sketchy Fun for Addy's amusement and we will be trying out our Kiddy Guardian Pro 2 car seat for the hour long drive to the airport at silly o'clock in the morning (full report on how we get on with that to follow).

I shall be going to bed shortly to get a few hours sleep before our adventure begins so I shall bid you Adios for now. Back in a week!

Leave mum to do the packing while we chase bubbles!

1 comment:

  1. Spain is famous and popular city in all over the world. You share such lovely image of sunny day. I like play with this bubbles so much.
