
Friday 23 September 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

I can't believe that it is Friday again so soon. Where has this week gone? Although the days have whizzed by in a blur, they have still provided plenty for me to be cheerful about.

I went to visit my friend Rose at the weekend. It was lovely to see her and chat about her plans for her wedding next year, but the remarkable thing about the visit was that learner driver, Taylor, used it as an opportunity to practice her driving. It was a three hour journey and she drove the whole way with only a few moments of 'undue hesitancy' and an incident with a pheasant! It has made me very confident that she is on track to pass her test.

Ivy is heading back to Uni this weekend but her long summer (which has properly turned into autumn now) at home ended on an amazing high when she won tickets to see her favourite band in concert with a backstage meet and greet. Her feet still haven't touched the ground after what she described as The Best Night of Her Life.

Ivy meets Hard Fi

The champagne was flowing on Wednesday as we celebrated the fact the my eldest daughter is about to become a home owner with her boyfriend. They are a still a way off having the keys in their hand but their offer has been accepted and all is progressing as it should be. I have had a look around the house and it is gorgeous. I am so happy for them.


  1. It sounds as if everyone in your household has had such a lovely week!

  2. Sounds like everything is on the up to me. Well done to your lovely family

  3. Oh dear... did the pheasant survive the "incident" or was supper extra special?! Hard Fi - never heard of them. I must be getting old.

  4. Luckily it was a Ninja pheasant that got out of the way with the narrowest of escapes!

  5. Superb reasons, good on Taylor for a 3 hour drive when just a learner.

    Mich x
