
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Running for Carol

I love walking. I can walk for miles.  Running? Not so much.

Why then have I put myself down to run the 5K Race for Life this coming weekend?

I did say in my 11 things for 2011, back when the year was new and I was full of motivation, that I would seek experiences outside of my comfort zone. Running anything more than 10 minutes on the treadmill will take me seriously outside my comfort zone.

So that does tick one box but there are many more things I could have chosen instead. Why this?

Simple  really.

I will be running the race for my older sister who died of cancer shortly before her 36th birthday. She is never very far from my thoughts and my world is a less colourful place without her in it. I will run this race with every last ounce of energy I possess and I will do it in her honour. With every scream of pain from my unsuspecting muscles I will imagine her sitting on her heavenly cloud, looking down at me, shaking her head and thinking what an idiot I am.

Love you Carol and Miss you always xx

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