
Monday 13 June 2011

Show us your Shoes

I can't say my sister never does anything for me - she tagged me in a meme that gave me the excuse to think about shoes.

I love shoes and having a very tall husband means I have no excuse not to wear very high heels.

If I'm honest, you are far more likely to see me wearing my old and battered Doc Martens (they were silver once) than any other sort of footwear.

They may not be pretty any more but in terms of comfort and practicality they are unbeatable.

But I don't want to be practical all the time.

These Italian leather, stupidly high heels were a gift from my husband shortly after we got together. They are not the best fit and you certainly couldn't run for a bus in them but it was these that opened my eyes to the world of girl shoes.

No post on shoes would be complete without the shoes I wore on my wedding day. If your wedding day isn't a reason to buy an insanely gorgeous pair of shoes then I don't know what is. I'm sure many of my guests thought they fell more into the category of insane than beautiful but I will love these shoes and the very happy memories tied up in them, forever.

The latest pair of shoes to join my ever growing footwear family were these trainers.

With their gel cushioned soles, I am hoping they will help me fly round the 5K course when I run the Race for Life next month.

I am tagging my daughters Liberty and Ivy who share my love of shoes but thankfully NOT my shoesize!


  1. I love your wedding shoes.....they look like they would squash my fat trotters though - I find if I wear my comfy shoes for too long my feet relax too much and no longer fit comfortably into proper shoes!

  2. I thought you'd like to be tagged in this one!! x

  3. They are completely insane shoes and I love them!

    Mich x

  4. I now buy more trainers than heels :( but they do get worn everyday :)
