
Monday 7 March 2011

Resolutions Revisited

Back in January I wrote 11 things for 2011

The year is marching on apace so it is no bad thing to re-visit, re-assess and re-motivate.

Inject some colour into my wardrobe (I only ever buy shades of black!)

Not doing too badly on this one in terms of buying the odd colourful garment. However, I  leave my new purchases hanging, with tags, in the wardrobe as I reach for my familiar blacks every time I get dressed. 

Throw out anything that isn't beautiful or useful (it's OK, my husband is useful)
I have had a few good clear outs but still plenty to do on this one, especially my daughter's wardrobe which is badly in need of an overhaul as she grows.

These leggings HAVE to go!

Pay at least as much attention to my good points as I do to my bad.
I am noticing that my trips to the gym have slimmed my legs down at the same time as bemoaning the fact that my belly is flabby. Must use my Slendertone Abs belt more regularly.

(..if it's not a contradiction) Plan more and be more spontaneous.
I've certainly been planning plenty with two parties already under my belt for this year. Not sure that spontaneous trips to Morrisons is really what I had in mind when I wrote my resolutions though. I must allow myself to be more spontaneous.

Learn what my camera is capable of so I can take better photographs.
I know I still have a lot to discover about my camera but one thing I have definitely learned is how to edit and manipulate images using iPhotos on my MAC, Photobucket and more recently Adobe Image Ready. There is enough potential there to keep me busy for years!

Choreograph and perfect a pole dancing routine.
I have a pole in my bedroom so it is very easy to have a five minute little swing around most nights (usually while my husband is in the bathroom cleaning his teeth). I don't have quite enough space to get really carried away. As it is, when I do my 'carousel' move, my feet brush the shirts hanging on the temporary rail that has been there for so long it can hardly be classed as temporary any more. I could of course move the hanging rail (it is on wheels) but that would eat into my five minute window before my husband returns! One day, I will perform for him but I would rather he didn't watch me practicing in my pyjamas!

Seek experiences outside my comfort zone.
Going to the gym without my daughter for moral support was a bit outside my comfort zone but  have yet to really get stuck into this one. I did bow out of the opportunity to sing at an Open Mic night which would have been so outside my comfort zone that the Universe would probably have imploded. This is definitely a "Must try harder" resolution.

Don't let my ironing pile (real and metaphorical) get bigger than me.
It has got big alright - but not bigger than me yet!

Do something useful/meaningful/productive every day.
This is a very hard one to assess. Something useful/meaningful /productive by my standards might be seen as lame by the rest f the world. I do like to think that I living my life a little more mindfully now and I don't ever do anything just to kill time. 

Don't beat myself up if number 9 above proves to be beyond me.
I am always my own worse critic but I am trying to cut myself a bit of slack.

Blog about it all.
Now here is a resolution that has been resoundingly successful. I am absolutely loving my blogging journey, the different outlook that it gives me and the opportunities that it presents. My one regret is that I have been unable to secure sponsorship for this year's Cybermummy conference. It would be such an thrill to meet other bloggers in person and to learn how to take my blogging to a new level. I must remain optimistic. There is still time and failing that, there's always next year and a new set of resolutions commencing: 1) Secure Cybermummy Sponsorship!


  1. Wow, what a long list you set for yourself! I love the idea of you pole danding in PJ's - for the comedy factor you understand, nto because I am perving!

    Have you entered this one for sponsorship?

    Mich x

  2. Thanks Mich, I'll have a go at that x

  3. Sorry I had to laugh at the pole dancing one. I never make resolutions - I can never stick to anything :(

  4. I think you're doing well so far! Go you pole dancing in your night wear :)


  5. Gosh - that is a long list. My 2009 one was to get daughter to school on time (on the first day back) - big tick day 1 and I was done for the year - woot woot. Perhaps I should challenge myself a bit harder like you. I am in awe!

  6. That is one big list! Sounds like you're doing really well so far! :D

  7. By the sounds of it you're doing great...don' be to hard on yourself.

    I really hope you manage to secure a sponsorship for cybermummy, good luck x

  8. I'm so with you on the ironing - I'm actually taking a break for attacking it today. Only because the inlaws and coming to stay in a couple of days and well - I thought I should at least feign domesticity while they're here ;D

    Well done to you though - I love making lists but I rarely (if ever) make resolutions - I like number nine best ;D Shah

  9. Of course it's the pole dancing that stuck in my mind too! Good on you, I can't see me doing that. Hope you manage to get ot Cybermummy, I'm lucky to be going too

  10. This is indeed a long list :-).
    I do reckon that the secret to being spontaneous is to plan everything else - i speak as a true control freak lol.
    I feel we need a regular update on pole-dancing!
    Great post! x
