
Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pancake Day

I hate missing out on an opportunity to celebrate and have a bit of fun. Unfortunately, with two poorly little ones to look after I didn't get to the shops to get eggs and pancake day was a complete non event at our house.

We will make up for it at the weekend when hopefully everyone will be restored to health but in the meantime, all I can do is wistfully remember Shrove Tuesdays past.

The following set of photos were taken as part of an assignment for a Foundation degree in Teaching and Learning  I completed a few years ago. My daughter and niece are the pancake cooks and I love how diligently they worked.



  1. They were so little :) Ella consumed her own body weight in pancake-y goodness yesterday! xxx Hope everyone's better soon. Missed you this week! x

  2. how do you do a storyboard of photos like that? It's great.
    Loved your poem by the way.

  3. Its sad that you missed it yesterday but the weekend is a good a time as any to eat pancakes. I ate so many yesterday I felt ill. I think it was the thick double cream I insisted on eating with one. I hope your kids are feeling better soon.

  4. I use Liska xx

  5. You will hopefully enjoy pancakes this weekend all the more because it will mean your little ones are better. Loved the pics on your blog page.
