
Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Gallery - Week 49 - One Word

This photograph wouldn't win any prizes for technical expertise but the fact that I took it into the sun, failed to focus properly and paid no heed to the depth of field or background actually speaks volumes about my state of unease as I captured my one shot of this moment at Longleat Animal Park a couple of years ago.

My daughter shows no evidence of anything other than being completely relaxed and beaming with pleasure.

My One Word for The Gallery prompt is:



  1. Great photo, i love spiders x

  2. Ewww, that makes me feel a bit sick. She's one brave girl!

  3. lol that should come with a warning. I looked at the lovely smiling face and then noticed the hairy beast :)

  4. Brilliant photo! I like the way the sun is shining and I love Spiders!

  5. Argh! That should have had a warning. I jumped a little. I would love to do that though strangely enough. I've actually become less fearful of spiders since having my daughter as I don't want my fear to rub off on to her like my Mums fear did with me.

    Super photo!


  6. What a great photo! She looks so happy.

  7. Oh my word she is brave - it gives me the creeps to think about it!!

  8. That's a great shot, and the reason the lightening and focus is the way it is, is simply because you were doing what all normal parents would do-snapping quickly and getting the hell out of there!!

    thanks for stopping by

  9. Fantastic! I HATE spiders, so I still reckon the fact I did the same thing (without the smile) at the Edinburgh Butterfly place about a month ago is the greatest act of selfless maternal love I have yet performed for my daughters....

  10. Oh My Good God! How can she hold that thing and smile? Great photo there but the hair on the back of my neck is on end

  11. She is very brave I couldn't do that! *shudders* it's a lovely photo of your fearless daughter x

  12. OMG you are so brave, my husband would have ran a mile lol great picture

  13. Yikes! What a fantastic photo and I think you're all very brave (and perhaps a little bit mental!). I'm not scared of normal spiders, but that hairy monstrosity....ugh!

    Or perhaps your daughter is chilled out because she can shoot heat rays out of her eyes :D xX

  14. That is a great photo I personally hate spiders, but love this picture and I don't know why really! xx

  15. My, my - you are brave! I would have run a mile annihilating everything in my way. ;o)

  16. Oh God what an Ace photo...and what a brave girl! Love it! x

  17. You made me jump....very brave @Kahanka

  18. Oh cute. They feel really sweet when they climb over your face too.
