
Friday 4 February 2011

Thinkfun Tipover - A Toyologist Review

The Thinkfun brand, for me, has become synonymous with quality, challenging games that the whole family can enjoy.

The Rush Hour game was a big hit in our family and Zingo is frequently enjoyed by my little girl (although not always strictly according to the rules of play!)

Tipover is very similar in design to Rush Hour but rather than manoeuvring a car from gridlocked traffic, you are tipping crates over to create a pathway for a little man (The Tipper) to make his way to the red crate. As with Rush our there are different levels of difficulty to work through which keeps the challenge fresh.

The rules are quite simple once you get the hang of them but the solutions do require a certain amount of thought and an ability to visualise in the three dimensional format of the game.

The game is set up according to the layout detailed on the challenge card.

It is then time to start tipping over the crates in the correct order and direction to create a continuous pathway to the red crate.

I like to think that my spacial awareness and problem solving skills are reasonably OK but this was quite tricky for me. I felt a great sense of achievement whenever I finished a level. My grown up daughters, as usual, put me to shame but even they found themselves having to backtrack and rethink as the difficulty level increased.

My little ones just liked playing with the crates that were beautifully manufactured, bright and colourful.

In the video, my dad shows that age and experience are no match for youth!

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