
Thursday 3 February 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

My wedding ring, my engagement ring and my eternity ring are all loose. I certainly would NOT be cheerful if any of them were to fall off and be lost, but it is a very good indicator that my weight is coming down and staying down. That makes me cheerful.

My baby girl freely and spontaneously (and in context) uses the words Please, Thank You and Love :)

February is a good month for me which is why I'm celebrating with a February Giveaway. Please feel free to enter HERE for a chance to win Tea, Chocolate and a £10 Boots gift card. I hope it gives the winner a Reason to be Cheerful.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart


  1. Well done on the weight loss and new words are always good xx

  2. Well done with the weight and be careful not to lose those rings. Enjoy your good month to come!

  3. Good on you with the weight loss. That was part of my motivation to lose it last year as well when they were too tight on me. Have a lovely weekend x

  4. Congrats on the weight loss! A great reason to feel happy x

  5. Congrats on the loose rings! And I love your second reason - in context too! Great news :)
