
Monday 14 February 2011

The Things Kids Do

The Things Kids Do

Every day, my children make me laugh. It might be something they've said or something they've done or a reaction to something. For example:

I was talking to my daughter about how grown up she was getting and told her that soon she'd be three years old. She looked at me with a puzzled expression and replied quite adamantly, "I not freezing cold!"

I love it when I am lucky enough to catch a funny moment on camera. Below is a collage of some of the daft things my daughter has done recently.


And finally:

I couldn't help thinking that this would make a lovely link-up -  all sorts of kids doing all sorts of funny things - so I've made a button and added a linky. I really hope that you will get involved and share your posts of your children doing what children do best!  Can't wait to see all The Things Kids Do and hopefully make some new blogger friends...

The Things Kids Do


  1. What a lovely idea.

    Whenever I tell my daughter she's 2, she looks confused and says "No I a girl!"

  2. I love the Addy-In-A-Box picture :)

  3. Loved the pics of my two grandchildren - simply having fun - what a great idea of yours to get other Mums to add to your great theme, I am sure that you will get a great response. xxxx

  4. Thanks for your idea - happy to linky xx

  5. I'm in the middle of writing my post so will link up in a min! That box picture is fab xx

  6. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I thought I'd join in with your linky love too- great idea!

  7. Lovely idea for a blog hop. My kids are tweens, but still say and do the funniest things!
