
Monday 14 February 2011

Magpie Monday - Clothes

Me and My Shadow

I don't often buy clothes from Charity shops but just occasionally I pick up something perfect at a bargain price. 

My sister was having a horror themed party for her 13th wedding anniversary and everyone was invited to attend in horror fancy dress. My daughter Taylor needed a bit of help with her costume as as she was feeling particularly uninspired. When I found a  plain white cotton nightgown during a browse around the local charity shops I knew I had the solution to her problem. With her long black hair draped over her face, a little black makeup smudged around her eyes and wearing the cotton nightgown, she looked brilliant as the scary girl from The Ring.

The following month I wore the same cotton nightgown to give birth to my lovely little boy. It was a really hot day in June and the nightgown helped me to feel cool and comfortable during my labour.

It washed up beautifully.

I donated it back to the charity shop recently to continue its journey with another owner.

It does make me wonder about the stories behind all the items for sale at the charity shops and is one of the reasons why I enjoy visiting them and giving my support.


  1. Wow! That's fab. I also love to think of the story behind items that I buy. Maybe we should attact little histories in future LOL! Amazing pic of your baby xx

  2. Oh how amazing! Not sure I could have given up something so special, but that's why I have a house full of stuff I guess!

    It is amazing to think who has worn something before you, and what life events the garment has witnessed.

    Thanks for linking up xx

  3. Such a short post yet so moving too.
    Lovely of you to share
    My #MagpieMonday involves champagne over at
