
Friday 11 February 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Along with my sister, my niece and my mum, I had a fantastic Typhoo afternoon tea at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester with two of the cast of Coronation Street. Despite not exactly being a soap fan, it was still a wonderful experience and to see my mum (who is probably in the league of 'superfan') having such a great time was simply wonderful.

My little girl is finally warming to the idea of potty training. I give full credit to my potty chart that I had far too much fun making! Despite being a bit poorly, she still made a really good effort to use the potty. I am a proud and happy mummy.

It's week six of Reasons to be Cheerful and I still haven't run out of reasons. I love joining in this meme and finding so much to smile about.


  1. I love your reason 3 - it's so true!! And yay for potty training going better :)

  2. Reason one sounds like a wonderful afternoon!

  3. I think reason one sounds fab! Whether you're a fan or not, it's always good to see a Mum enjoy herself.

  4. How fab that your mum had such a good time. Mich x
