
Friday 11 February 2011

Afternoon tea at the Lowry Hotel with Corrie stars

Ever since my mum found out that she was a runner up in a Typhoo video competition online, there has been a certain amount of excitement and anticipation. The prize was afternoon tea at the Lowry Hotel, Manchester, with two of the cast of Coronation Street for herself and a guest. As it was me that made the video that won her this prize, I think she felt obliged to invite me as her guest. As it happened, my sister Wendy was also chosen as a runner up. She invited her daughter Megan, who is a student at Manchester Uni. If nothing else, this was turning into an opportunity for a family get together.

The day arrived.

Unfortunately, my little girl was feeling a bit unwell. I was in two minds as to whether I should leave her but with a dose of Calpol and a grandad's loving arms I could see she'd be just fine without me.

Mum can't drive and Wendy doesn't like to so I landed the role of chauffeur. It was no problem. With the aid of my trusty Sat Nav we found our way to the hotel and more importantly, found a car parking space that was wide enough for me to slot into without getting stressed.

Megan arrived on foot at exactly the same time as we did. We were a little early so we stopped to pose for photographs before walking through the revolving glass doors to what awaited us.

We were directed to a private dining room where we were welcomed by the the lovely Typhoo PR ladies.

Soon the moment arrived when we were to find out which two Corrie cast members would be joining us. I am not an avid watcher of the Street but I did recognise both Shobna Gulati who plays Sunita Alahan and Katy Cavanagh who plays Julie Carp.

I have to admit that I was far more interested in the egg sandwiches with crusts removed and the insanely delicious chocolate brownies at this point having not eaten anything since a solitary croissant before 8am that morning. Mum, on the other hand, threw herself into the 'ask a question' session quizzing the actresses about future plot lines. It was a delight to see her so wide eyed and excited about the whole thing (much the same wide eyed excitement that the brownies inspired in me!)

Several cups of tea later, my rumbling stomach stopped demanding my attention and
I was able to enjoy the company of our celebrities.

We spent more time chatting with Shobna than Katy. She was lovely - funny, interesting and down to earth. It can be easy to forget that the characters we see on our TV screens are real people but Shobna served to remind us that of course they are just people doing a job (albeit people that the photo above bears witness to, are much better at posing for photographs than the rest of us!)

We were served with toasted teacakes. I think mum was getting a taste for being in front of the camera but everyone was happy to let her have her moment.

When the time came to leave, we did not do so empty handed. We returned home laden with goodie bags including some extra treats that we were given to offer as a giveaway to our readers. Wendy and I will be co-hosting a Coronation Street Giveaway very soon.

We had a fabulous afternoon and for our soap fanatic mother it was a day she'll never forget.

For more Corrie photos and news go to Typhoo facebook page

1 comment:

  1. Paula - your blog was fantastic and the pics brought back happy memories of a wonderful day. What a lovely gesture to put that pic of Dad and Adrian on screen - Dad was over the moon and thoroughly enjoyed being cuddled by his beloved granddaughter.
