
Friday 1 October 2010

Oiling the cogs of the party machine.

I won! In the penultimate hour of the Schuh competition, my entry was selected as most deserving! Now as long as I have managed to send my details to the right place (it can all get a bit confusing) a shiny new pair of Doc Marten boots will be making their way to me. I can't even begin to explain how happy that made me.

Another update is that the magazine that wanted to publish a short article about my Murder Mystery party now want to turn it into a full story about my pregnancies and my wedding and my family! It could be most amusing to see my life written about in the house style of the 'real life' magazines. And of course, being a fan of said magazines herself, my mum is loving the idea.

Yesterday, I had a trip to Cheshire Ice Cream Farm with my parents and my sister and her husband and of course our three little ones. The baby slept the entire time but my 2yr old and Wendy's 1yr old ran their nana ragged wanting to play in the toddler soft play area and pop the bubbles blown by the scary 7ft tall automated bubble blowing clown located just inside the entrance to the Crazy Daisy Play Barn.

The main purpose of the visit was to film ourselves purchasing ice-cream from the amazing selection of flavours for the party preparation video footage for Wendy's competition to win a car - but while we were there, it didn't hurt to have a cup of coffee.....and then lunch..... and then a scoop of ice-cream! Our most generous old dad dug deep into his wallet to treat us all. It did make a really lovely day of it.

Tomorrow is the day of the party. There is lots of 'on' and 'off-camera' work to be done today to get things ready and give ourselves the best chance of having a party that runs smoothly, is enjoyed by everyone and gives the film crew some material to work with. If nothing else, the litre tubs of Mocha Coffee Bean, Fruits of the Forest, Banoffee and Apple Pie and Custard Ice cream now nestled in my freezer should oil the cogs of the party machine.

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