
Thursday 30 September 2010


In common with many women, I love shoes.

My first husband was just about the same height as me so I never wore heels because it felt wrong for me to be taller than him. I did begin my love affair with Doc Marten's during this marriage. I love how comfortable they are and how oddly feminine they can be.

My husband now is 6'5'' which means a whole world of gorgeous shoes has opened up to me. He likes me to be closer to his height and bought me the most gorgeous pair of Italian leather killer heels near the start of our relationship. I confess I have never worn them outside of the house - not really the sort of thing to totter around Morrisons in for my weekly grocery shop (!) - but just owning them has enriched my life in a very out of character girlie sort of way.

My collection of heels grows every time I see a sale in a shoe shop. I really have more impractical footwear than I know what to do with.

I used my wedding as an excuse to buy a pair of shoes to rival my much loved original killer heels. As soon as I saw the Iron Fist Zombie Stompers I knew that I had to walk down the aisle in them.

Today, I am taking part in a competition to win shoes! To enter, you had to take a look at the Schuh website and choose the shoes you would like to win. Then you had to post a link to your chosen shoes on the Schuh Facebook page along with an explanation as to why you deserve them. Winners are chosen every hour from 8am to 8pm with the option to submit a different entry for each hour. Now I have no idea whether the winners are selected randomly or if each entry is considered on merit but I have thoroughly enjoyed a) selecting shoes I would love to win and b) creating photo and slogan entries that I hope will stand out.

Looking at the Schuh website was a dangerous game - so many beautiful shoes. I wouldn't be at all surprised if at least one pair found its way onto my Christmas list (which I imagine is the competition promoters intention!).

Setting up the photos to attach to my entries was fun - it is surprisingly challenging to face paint your own feet and then find the right angle to capture your image with legs in the way! - and as I think I have already stressed, as long as the taking part is fun, the winning is merely a bonus. But what a bonus it would be to have a shiny new pair of Doc Martens...

I've had my eye on a new pair of Doc Martens!

Tired feet deserve a treat

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