
Wednesday 3 September 2014

So Begins a New Chapter

In many ways, I am still having to pinch myself. I have a baby boy. A son. A beautiful, funny, clever little bean that I adore. Really not a baby any more. He started school today.

Last night, he went to bed as my sweet little pre-schooler. This morning, he woke up as a schoolboy.

The transition was not completely smooth.

There was no problem with Dylan wanting to go to school. He was very excited at that prospect. He loves his new teacher. He is familiar with the classroom. He was looking forwards to seeing friends he had been at nursery with. What he objected to - in a ferociously vocal manner - was wearing school uniform.


Eventually, with the help of big sister Addy promising to play "Dinosaur Adventure" in the playground with him if he co-operated, we coaxed him into his smart new uniform and peace was restored.

After a hurried photo shoot on the front drive, we bundled into the car and set off on the first of many school runs.

(Just to clarify, I really do not think that Dylan looked "stoopid" at all!)

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