
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Craft Party Kits from Interplay

I was recently sent two Craft Party kits from Interplay to review.

Each pack contains craft activities for up to six children in the 5+ age range making it ideal for party entertainment.

I had the image in my head of 6 year old Addy's friends coming over to our house for tea and a Craft Party session.

The reality was somewhat different. I had misjudged how tiring the new school routine would be with little brother Dylan starting in Reception and Addy moving up into class 2. Hectic weekend schedules and helping my daughter Taylor to prepare for going back to Uni has left little time and even less energy. Planning parties has not been on anyone's agenda

There will come a moment when things fall into place and a houseful of little girls having noisy fun together seems like the loveliest thing. But not today!

In the interests of the (now overdue) review deadline, I will attempt to give a flavour of the two different sets without the addition of children!

Fairy Princess Party

I think my Addy is fairly typical in her love for princesses and fairies. She was very excited by the Fairy Princess Party kit which contained pre cut foam fairy wings, tiaras and wands to decorate with the stickers, ribbons, jewels and feathers provided.

The instructions include ideas for plenty of themed party games for  little fairy princesses to play whilst wearing their creations.

Mad About Ponies Party

I actually like this particular Craft Party set even more than the Princess Fairy one.

It comes with a set of  beautifully detailed, solidly made white plastic ponies and enough paint and paint brushes for each child to customise their own pony. There are examples of different pony breeds with their distinctive colours and markings for inspiration.

Little Dylan came running over to investigate when we took the ponies out to look at. He loved them just as they were - without even opening the bag with the paints in!

Once the ponies are painted (and dry) there is a show jumping game to play with them complete with little cardboard rosettes to present to winners. I think it is a lovely idea and a great way for the children to show off their ponies.

Addy is already deciding what to name her pony and what colours she wants to paint him.

I am really looking forward to getting to use these kits, with excited children and a sprinkle of mayhem.   The Mad About Ponies kit definitely appeals to the little girl in me that would have loved a pony of her own.

Would it be wrong if I invited one less child to the party so I can join in myself?

1 comment:

  1. They look like fab kits.....I do love the pony one! Such a cute idea x
