
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Apple Cake made with Golden Syrup Sugar

For the last few months of 2013, I found myself having to economise in a way that I hadn't had to for many years. One of the changes I made in my weekly shopping basket was to avoid buying any fancy sugar - nothing but the cheapest white granulated. I used it in all my home baking and although the results were perfectly OK, I did miss the subtle flavour enhancing tastes imparted by the slightly more expensive unrefined sugars -  especially in my crumble toppings (I was making a lot of crumbles thanks to a glut of cooking apples from the tree in the garden).
Now that the purse strings have been loosened a little, I definitely think it is worth spending the extra to experiment with the whole range of sugars available. 

I was quite excited to see that Tate and Lyle had brought out a new, British inspired Golden Syrup Sugar - and even more excited to be offered a sample to try. 

As I still have apples in my larder, I decided to make an apple cake from a recipe that I have already adapted several times with good results. It is a lovely, comforting winter pud, great served hot or cold with cream, ice cream or custard. This is the recipe as I made it last night:

Apple Cake

200g SR flour ( I used the Savers budget range from Morrisons)
2tsp ground ginger
100g margarine
100g Golden Syrup Sugar
1 large egg (from my lovely hens)
8tbsp milk
1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and diced.
Extra Golden Syrup Sugar for sprinkling on top

1. Preheat oven to 200ÂșC
2. Mix flour and ginger together ( I didn't bother sieving)
3. Rub in the marg
4. Stir in the Golden Syrup Sugar (taking time to enjoy the smell!)
5. Add egg and milk and beat to a thick smooth batter

6. Stir in diced apple
7. Transfer to tin (I used a non stick 8" round one with removable bottom)
8. Sprinkle top with Golden Syrup Sugar (tricky because it has the consistency of wet sand) 
9. Cook until firm and golden, approx 35 mins

I was pleased with how it came out but as the saying goes - the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I served it with cream and asked my husband for his verdict. He agreed with me that it was good but I pushed him further to see if he could identify a mystery ingredient. He took another mouthful, contemplated a while then said it tasted a bit like.... Golden Syrup!

10/10 for my husband's tastebuds and a big thumbs up for the new member of the Tate & Lyle family.

For information about the Tate & Lyle range, recipe ideas and more, visit

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