
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Race for Life 2013

Back in the summer of 2011, I took part in a Race for Life Event with my daughter Liberty - running 5K with an army of women dressed in pink to raise money for Cancer Research. Despite a distinct lack of proper training ( a few sessions on a treadmill) I loved it. I loved the atmosphere. I loved the sense of achievement it gave me. I loved the fact that the charity was benefiting.

This coming Saturday, my daughter and I will be taking part in our second Race for Life - this time a Twilight Event. Not to be confused with the glittery vampires, the Twilight Event takes place during the evening and competitors are encouraged not just to don the trademark pink but to drape themselves with fairy lights and anything twinkly or luminescent. It has the potential to be quite a spectacle!

Since our first experience with running 5K, my daughter and I undertook a beginners training programme with our local running club. Over the eight weeks of the programme, we graduated from running a minute/walking a minute eight times up to running without stopping for thirty minutes. It was not then a huge leap of faith to run 5K without stopping, which I did in about 36 minutes on my first try.  I now run 5K on average twice a week, taking part in regular Parkruns whenever busy lives allow. I have yet to achieve my goal of completing the distance in under 30 minutes but I am ever hopeful.

The Race for Life is not about achieving a new personal best for the distance. It is about taking part in something wonderful. It is about sharing an experience not just with my daughter but with all the women coming together - united in a common purpose. I am so looking forward to it.

The Race for Life is sponsored by Aqua Pura 

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