
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Make Do and Mend

To say that money is tight for me at the moment would be a bit like saying the Universe is quite big - a classic understatement. I am having to watch every penny.

There are some aspects to economising that I really enjoy. I feel much more inspired when I go grocery shopping if I know I have to stick to a budget and I am more creative with the meals I make. I also do a lot more baking which the kids love.

There are other aspects that are simply grim - no take-aways, not even allowing myself to think about Christmas.

When I changed my bed clothes recently, I noticed that there was a ragged tear in the fitted sheet. Normally, that would have been consigned to the dust sheet/rag bag and a new one would have been purchased.

Not this time.

This time my 'make do and mend' mentality had me reaching for my sewing kit.

My mother prides herself on being a master of the invisible mend.  She has never taught me any of her techniques. I wondered if they might have been passed on through the wonder of genetics.

They hadn't!

But at least my (slightly bumpy) sheet lives on the see another bedtime.

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