
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Appreciating Life

I have been a bit quiet on my blog lately. In part this is because the keyboard for my Mac spent some time upsidedown in the airing cupboard (I'm guessing as a result of an unfortunate incident with a glass of water), my computer has been slow and the internet connection temperamental ...  but I can't blame it all on that. I have had some ideas for posts moving in and out of focus in my head but none of them have screamed at me to be written and other things have taken priority.

My life is busy and at times chaotic. My blog is important to me but sometimes it takes a back seat. I never want to feel that a post has been a chore or at the expense of something else.

One 'something else' has been spending time with my sister in law who has been staying with us for the last few days.

Recently 'rnty jan' has made some life changing decisions which one day I hope I will be able to write about (with her blessing). Being able to offer her some support and show her our love has made me feel so much closer to her. Although she will have difficulties to face, I am excited for her and the new path she is about to travel. It serves as a reminder to me to grab life with both hands. Don't we  owe it to ourselves and the people who love us to be the best we can be and seek happiness and fulfilment? Why settle for ordinary when the extraordinary option exists - even if it does require more effort?

I strongly believe that there is magic all around us although sometimes it can be hard to connect with when the daily struggles or the mundane blind us to the possibilities. I am making a concerted effort, especially in the run up to Christmas, to connect with the magic at every opportunity!

Somebody who has been making her own magic is New Mum Online, Liska. Although I have not spent much time online lately, I couldn't help noticing the amazing #Healing4Kerry campaign that she initiated to support fellow Mummy Blogger Multiple Mummy whose life has been tragically struck by serious illness. Much was spoken about cyber bullying during Anti-Bullying Week so it was refreshing to see the power of social media being used for good as people came together to send a flood of good wishes and positive energy to Kerry and her family.

Of course, the hope is that Kerry will be well on the road to recovery and home with her family for Christmas. I always appreciate time spent with family and friends over the festive period but this year, I think I might find myself appreciating it just a little bit more.

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