
Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Hallowe'en that wasn't

I love Hallowe'en so it was a big disappointment to me when my husband told me that he had a work commitment that would keep him away overnight on the day that the veil between worlds was thin. I was going to carry on regardless with a slightly scaled down celebration that would also incorporate a fancy dress run for me with my Running Club.

Disappointment revisited.

A cold that has been threatening to grab me by it's evil viral hands finally delivered. The last thing I need with a sinus headache and uncontrollable outbursts of explosive sneezing, is exercise. The only running I'll be doing is out of my eyes and nose. On top of that, my poor little Addy is not at all well.

Addy was supposed to be going to a friend's house this afternoon for spooky arts & crafts and cookies. Unfortunately, she did this instead :

I put on my new pumpkin orange T shirt, skeleton socks and vampire necklace..... lay down on the sofa and looked not dissimilar to my daughter in the photograph above!

It's 5 o'clock in the evening now and dark outside. Normally, our Hallowe'en festivities would be in full swing. Not so this year.

But ever the optimist, all is not lost.

My daughter, Taylor, is coming home from Uni this weekend. We are going to celebrate with fireworks and friends and food and there is absolutely no reason why we can't throw our Hallowe'en eggs into the same basket. These fellows will still be there to preside over events:

Paper Mache skull

Hand print spider!
My wonderful daughter Charis refused to let October 31st go by without some spooky baking and took it upon herself to get busy in the kitchen. I have yet to see the results.

If the bakes served up by Charis fail to cheer me, my final fall back is my bottle of Pumpkin beer tucked innocently away on a  shelf in my larder.

I will definitely be digging out the bottle opener and enjoying this later, probably during tonight's episode of Dallas. JR Ewing is surely good for a Hallowe'en scare.

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