
Thursday 25 October 2012

I am a Runner

Yesterday, I completed the eight week beginner course with my local Running Club.

From a gentle 1 minute run 1 minute walk pattern at the start of the programme, I have quickly progressed (thanks to the comraderie of fellow beginners and encouragement from the trainers) to comfortably running for 30 minutes without stopping. In fact, yesterday when the 30 minute call came I found myself thinking really? already? and kept running for another 6 minutes back to where we had started from. I'm not sure exactly what that equated to in terms of distance but it was in the region of 3 miles.

We were awarded certificates for completing the beginner's programme. In years to come, the certificate may mean a lot to me but at the moment, a piece of paper doesn't come close to reflecting how fantastic I feel about my achievement.

Despite the title of the post, I still don't consider myself a 'runner'. Hopefully the confidence to label myself such will come in time - with experience and improvement.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of the Club. Surrounding yourself with positive people is such a good way of bringing out the best in yourself. It has certainly brought something out in me.


  1. Well Done! I used to love running, but have become lazy with regards to exercise, hence the extra 5 stone. Would love to join a programme like that, might enquire locally x

    1. If hubby worked reliable regular hours, instead of shifts, and I could rely on him, I would definitely do the same x

  2. Well done! It does feel great. I have never been a runner and got challenged by a friend to do a half marathon earlier this year. I havent the guts to go to a running club as I keep meeting people who seem to go so i started running and each time I went pushed myself to the next lamp-post along on my route. I completed a half marathon in 2.36 hours and amazed myself - and I ran most of it, a good ten miles. It was in Edinburgh and was very hilly and even the long term runners walked the maor hills so I allowed mysef that as well. I have just this week signed up for a 10K next year and have def got the running bug. Hope you continue with your running, I would advise entering a race, on the actual day you will amaze yourself, I had run no more than 7 miles before the half marathon yet completed 13.2! Good luck and keep it up x

  3. I wish I could say that I am proud of you but it sounds too patronising (but I am).
    I did a Vlog of me running, at the beginning of your journey, but have not run, not even once, since. Also I ached for 4 days when I ran.
    Well done Mrs and I hope you have now found a new hobby/passion.
    Liska x

  4. I mean proud, not patronising...
    Liska x

    1. Thank you everyone for your kind comments. It really has been a fantastic experience for me so far. I am always looking forward to the next run and considering new challenges that I would never have thought possible. x
