
Tuesday 29 May 2012

I Knitted the Queen!

In gratitude for the long weekend coming up, I have hung my Jubilee bunting, bought the Union Jack themed 'Party in a Box' and knitted the Queen!

I still have the coat part of Liz's two piece to knit and the reason she is hiding her lower body is because I didn't have the needles I needed to make the shoes. Barefoot and bare armed, I still rather like her.

Her outfit is more 'peacock' blue than the distinctive 'royal' blue I intended to use, but that was because I forgot which shop it was that I had seen the correct shade.

The pattern is from 'Knit Your Own Royal Wedding" by Fiona Goble - a book that could be barely be given away once William and Katherine's nuptials were done and dusted. I'm sure this is not the last time I shall make use of it.

Congratulations to our Queen on her Diamond Jubilee and however you choose to celebrate - enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Haha that's ace! Fancy linking up over at mine? :0)
