
Tuesday 3 January 2012

My Top 5 Photographs of 2011 - Listography

One of the things I love about blogging is the focus it gives me to take photographs that I might otherwise not have thought about taking. 

This week's Listography topic gave me the opportunity to look back over a year of blog photos and select five of my favourites. It wasn't easy to pick just five but here goes...

1. The photograph of a poor frog frozen into my pond during the cold spell in January 2011 received a lot of attention and remains one of my highest viewed posts. Most people agreed with me that it was a tragic reminder of the fragility of life. My eldest daughter, however, said - "Ha ha - a frog ice cube"

 2. I love this photograph of my two little ones in a hotel bed, totally engrossed in an electronic game that is still a favourite toy. They both look so tiny back in January when it was taken - what a difference a year makes. Although at the time I thought it ruined the picture, now I really love the bruise on my daughter's forehead that tells the story of a moment of ill-concieved adventurousness that ended in a nasty bump.

3.  I don't think this photograph is technically any good but I do remember so vividly, with fondness,  standing out in the cold evening with equipment not quite up to the task, not really knowing what I was doing and trying to capture the magical 'Supermoon' of 19th March, 2011.

4. This is the most recent of the photographs for my Top 5. I took it from my hotel window at Butlins, Bognor Regis where I was attending the Tots 100 Christmas party. The flock of seagulls circling the strangely lovely roof of the Skyline Pavilion against the winter sky was a dramatic sight.

5. Without a doubt, this is my absolute favourite photograph of 2011. It is a picture I took during my husband's vasectomy. I had originally only intended to snap my husband sat nervously in the waiting room but I am so glad that I found the courage to ask the Doctor if he would object to me photographing the actual procedure. Far from objecting, he enthusiastically 'posed' for the shot. My husband wasn't able to look at the picture for quite some time and even now it makes him feel a little peculiar but I love it.


  1. Great photos! I Love number 2, they look so cute! Ouch at number 5, you are brave taking a shot like that - I dont have a very strong stomach. Lol, I'd make a useless nurse! x

  2. O my God. I am actually speechless. Can't believe you put up no. 5! Love the others - esp. no 4 - really amazing pic.

  3. Can believe you were allowed to put up No 5! My hubby would literally kill me! So lovely lovely pictures - especially 2!

  4. Obviously supposed to be "can't believe"!

  5. Yikes, got a shock viewing number 5! You take amazing pics - very striking. Happy new year and thanks for sharing x

  6. That moon photo is cracking, I was out at the same time, such fun trying to get the camera settings right to take a good photo which stood in your garden in the pitch black :)
    And no.5? *shudder*

  7. Youch! So that's what my op looked like! I really don't think I needed to know that.

    Stunning photos, by the way.
