
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Christmas Muffins

In my quest for the perfect mince pie I have discovered something that will definitely become a part of our family's festive food traditions - the Christmas Muffin.

I used a recipe adapted from Catherine Atkinson's Muffins Galore - a gorgeous book full of inspiring muffin recipes and photographs that make you put on weight simply by looking at them.

Christmas Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
  • 300g SR flour
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 1tsp ground mixed spice
  • 100g soft brown sugar
Wet Ingredients:
  • 175g Mincemeat
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 100g melted cooking marg
  • Approx 100mls natural yoghurt made up to 175ml with milk
  • 8 Glace Cherries, chopped
1. Mix the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls.
2. Add the wet mix to the dry mix and stir until just combined.
3. Dollop into muffin tin lined with muffin cases (makes 12).
4. Sprinkle the tops with demerara sugar to give a decorative, crunchy, sweet topping.
5. Cook for 200˚C (gas mark 6) for approx 20minutes (or until springy)

This recipe does seem to make up to a large amount of mix. I wondered how I was going to fit it all into my 12 muffin cases but I managed.

They are really simple to make and smell gorgeous when they are cooking. The mincemeat gives them a lovely Christmassy flavour and they keep quite well for a couple of days (I don't know if they keep any longer than that because we ate them all!)

It is just possible that this Christmas Eve, Santa might find a festive muffin put out for him with his glass of port at our house.

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