
Sunday 6 November 2011

My Top 5 Famous Folk I Used to Fancy - Listography


I couldn't resist this Listography topic, revisiting those Famous Folk that I Used to Fancy.

First there was Tony Curtis. I would fantasise about us getting married. Slightly worryingly, he would have been in his forties and I was a pre-teen.  I absolutely adored his character in the Persuaders.

Then there was Pete Duel who played Hannibal Heyes in Alias Smith and Jones. I was devastated when he shot himself.

The next man to get my hormones racing was Tim Matheson (right) with his role in the quest. Looking back, co-star Kurt Russell was far hotter. Maybe it was the slight resemblance to Pete Duel that did it for me.

My affections briefly transferred to 70s teen idol Leif Garrett. He was so beautiful. 

There have been many more celebrities that I have admired, had lustful thoughts about or just considered perfect specimens of humanity (recently Tommy Walsh, Mark Dolan, Gary Barlow) but none that I have felt so connected to as these early infatuations as I was growing up. So for my fifth "Famous Folk I Used to  Fancy" I will choose my first girl crush - the gorgeous Margaux Hemingway. I loved her eyebrows.


  1. This was so interesting - we have opposite tastes in guys, but your girl crush looks gorgeous!

  2. Oh my God I remember that guy from Alias Smith and Jones - loved that programme!

  3. Embarrassingly, I don't know who 4 of the 5 are! But the Alias Smith & Jones guy - I can see where you were coming from

  4. I don't recognise any of those sorry

  5. I had 2 girl crushes - Wonder Woman aka Linda Carter and The Bionic Woman aka Lindsay Wagner

  6. Don't remember these although I am sure I should.

  7. Oh this is a great mix of people, I don't remember the lady but she looks beautiful!

  8. Yuor the second person to mention the Kurt Russell cowboy proggram.I don't remember it all.I nearly put a female crush too.

  9. The Quest rocked!! I remember the film Lipstick with Margaux Hemingway from when I was a kid. x
