
Thursday 15 September 2011

One Year of QWERTY Mum

The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day and it's exactly a year  since I sat down, created this blog and wrote My First Blog Post.

I wrote about the first six months of my blogging journey in a Guest Post for Mummy from the Heart. A lot has changed since then. My confidence has grown and I feel completely free to take my blog in whatever direction I choose. I have had some fun product reviewing and had the opportunity to attend some blogger events but writing about my children and my life is still what I like to do most.

Some blog post highlights have been:
My husband's vasectomy operation (photo!!)
A video of myself giving birth to my son
My beautifully embellished wheelie bin
An attempt at writing a short story for a competition (I came 2nd!!)
and the post with the most number of views (and still rising steadily) My Frozen Frog

It used to be that writing my blog was something I did when I was breastfeeding my baby boy. My 'baby' boy is 14 months old now and weaned. I don't have that excuse to sit down and write any more but it has become important enough to me that I feel I don't need a excuse. It's just what I do and I love it.

I have no fancy 'Blogaversary' Giveaway to help me celebrate my One Year of QWERTY Mum (unless you want to count my Bob the Builder Giveaway), just a rather lovely cupcake that Ivy brought home from a Social Media Conference she attended yesterday that is crying out to be eaten.  However, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the people who have read my pages, left their kind comments and made me feel part of the blogging community.

Here's to another year!


  1. Happy anniversary - I have only come quite recently to your blog but enjoy it even visit may there be many more years of posts ahead of you.

  2. Happy blogiversary! I've enjoyed reading a number of your post over the last few months x

  3. Congratulations - a whole year - that's fab!
