
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Little Nibbles

Both of my little ones are great eaters and have been brought up on an entirely vegetarian diet.

I was impressed by the vegetarian range from Hipp Organic which I reviewed some months ago and was happy to receive some products from the re-packaged Little Nibbles range and some 100% Fruit Puree pouches to try.

The packaging was bright and fun, featuring cartoon animals and the products were all made using natural, organic ingredients with no added sugar, salt or artificial colours, preservatives or flavourings.

Making sure we give our children the best possible diet and instilling good eating habits for life is a huge responsibility. The Little Nibbles range seemed like an ideal solution to the problem of providing healthy yet convenient snacks.

I put my 'Taster Tots' to work to see what they thought of them.

I have to admit, I was in two minds whether or not to include this review on my blog but I felt I could not claim to "blog with integrity" if I did not. I totally respect the ethos of Hipp Organic and really don't want to say negative things about the products but the Little Nibbles range just did not work for us. I really wanted my children to love the healthy snacks but they simply didn't. If you watch the video you will see it was more than a mild dislike!

If my children had never been exposed to the delights of salt and vinegar crisps, custard creams and chocolate buttons, perhaps they would have been more accepting of the 'natural' tastes.

On a more positive note, they both loved the 100% Fruit Pouches. They are so convenient to pop in your handbag when you are out and about and you know that you are giving your children the best of organic as well as contributing towards their recommended five-a-day fruit and veg intake. There is definitely a place for these in my weekly shopping trolley - alongside the custard creams that I will try to make sure are consumed in moderation!

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