
Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Gallery - Week 73 - Shoes

I have written several blogposts about shoes: my love of shoes, winning shoes, tiny shoes, favourite shoes, back to school shoes ...

In Show us your Shoes I included photographs of my faithful, battered DMs, my totally impractical but mouthwateringly gorgeous Italian leather killer heels, my Zombie wedding shoes that walked down the aisle and the trainers that helped me count down the kilometeres in my Race for Life.

So what to feature for this week's Gallery prompt Shoes?

After much deliberation, my contribution, synonymous with summer, is Festival Footwear (taken at V Music Festival, Weston Park):


  1. I love wellies! And I love festivals, I live in Glastonbury so I bought my hunters for there years ago but now I just wear them out everytime it rains! x

  2. You can't beat a good pair of wellies sometimes!

  3. Ah, the good old V Festival. I didn't go this year - gave my tickets (VIP ones too *sigh*) away. Was it good? Great shot x

  4. My friend works at Weston Park and is always saying about the festival and how she and her daughter love it.
    You like shoes by the sound of things

  5. Jealousy here! One day I'll go to a Festival and wear my funky wellies :)
