
Sunday 11 September 2011

FurReal Friends

I was lucky enough to be sent Cookie - My Playful Pup from the FurReal Friends range by Hasbro to review as part of my Blog Christmas Countdown. Unfortunately, the parcel arrived when I was away on holiday and was taken back to the sorting office to await collection. Apparently, every time anyone walked past the large, brown paper wrapped parcel, it would bark pitifully and whine. It caused a lot of workers to double take before they got used to the sad little puppy noises. The parcel was clearly marked with the word "TOYS" so the need to call the RSPCA was never considered! When we went to collect it, I couldn't quite tell if they were glad to see the back of it or if they would actually miss the attention seeking package.

With a RRP of £75,  Cookie - My Playful Pup is certainly not cheap but it is well made, a good size and endearingly cute (providing you can get over the creepy inanimate glass eyed thing that always makes me feel slightly on edge - perhaps that's just me!).

The main selling point of this toy to justify the price tag is the interactive nature of it. If you pet it, it responds. It also has voice recognition so when you talk to it, it will turn to you, blink, move its head and bark - "just like a real puppy". I am actually of the opinion that just like a real puppy is something of an exaggeration but there is no denying that the added dimension of its interactivity places it in a different league to a simple cuddly toy.

My daughter was delighted and intrigued by the puppy.

Hasbro do suggest that this toy is suitable for ages 4+. My 1 year old son takes very little notice of such things!

The puppy brought out a soft, nurturing and protective side to my daughter. My son, however, was instantly suspicious of the furry, barking, tail wagging addition to the family. I'm sad to say, he pummelled it repeatedly over the head with Cookies' own squeaky bone toy.

1 comment:

  1. Haha that gave me a giggle, you could just picture the post workers, doubling back on themselves when they heard the parcel bark.

    Your daughter looks like she really have fun with it. xx
