
Sunday 4 September 2011

F is for Feet, Fish, Frank's and Film

With summer as good as over and my husband back at work, it seemed like the perfect time to indulge in our next alphabet date for some spirit lifting.

We went to Frank's tapas bar and ordered the Hot Tapas Platter with all the veggie options on the menu - baked camembert, goats cheese croquettes, spanish omelette and grilled halloumi with breads and a side order of potatoes in tomato sauce. We took our time over that little lot and enjoyed a pint of Barcelona Beer (sounding more like a B date!) and finally, coffee.

For the Film part of the date we saw Final Destination 5 in 3D. It's not at all what my husband would choose but he knows how much I love that sort of blood spattered gore fest nonsense. I'd been longing to see it since I saw the trailer whilst ascending a tube station escalator when we were in London for Bob's Big Build. As we showed our tickets to enter the screening, the attendant told us that we wouldn't need our brains for this one. He was right but it didn't stop me being thoroughly entertained.

The absolute highlight of the date involved Feet and Fish as we treated ourselves to a Garra Rafa Fish Pedicure. I'd seen photographs of my nephew with his feet in a huge tank of dead-skin-eating fish during his travels in Thailand. This was a much more sanitised version with comfortable seats, elegant decor and individual tanks. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I have to say that at the end of the session my feet felt amazing - those little piscine pedicurists certainly did a good job.

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