
Wednesday 10 August 2011

The Gallery - Week 69 - Water

On the occasion of my 45th birthday, my husband hired a hot tub for a long weekend. We certainly got our money's worth, taking every opportunity to relax in the warm, bubbly water. I loved it - especially after dark, gazing up through the steam rising from the surface at a canopy of stars. I loved it so much we actually considered buying one but were put off by the idea of maintaining it and keeping the water in a sanitary condition. It all seems a lot less romantic when that side of things is factored into the equation.

My daughter, Charis, loved it too - using it more as a very small, very warm swimming pool!

My husband also gave me my Digital SLR camera as a birthday gift. I took a lot of photographs to try out my new toy, including a series of shots of Charis in Hot Tub Heaven. These are two of my favourites.


  1. Fab shots! I keep dropping hints for an SLR...fingers crossed for christmas!

  2. Great photos and so good to hear you had so much fun!

  3. What a cool birthday idea..I didn't even know you could hire them! looks like fun :)

  4. That second one is amazing and wonderful
