
Thursday 14 July 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

We were unbelievably lucky with the weather at the weekend for our day out at the Pandamonium in the Park event. I'm sure it would been miserable if it had rained. As it was, the sun shone on the Chinese themed family activities and displays.

The highlight of the day was the concert of music from Kung Fu Panda and other wonderfully evocative movie themes by  Hans Zimmer and John Powell, performed with passion by the amazing orchestra. My personal favourite was the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean - but then who wouldn't want to have images of Jack Sparrow conjured in their mind?! 

I couldn't work out why everyone was so impressed by this Shaolin Warrior's handstand that I photographed because I liked his muscles and orange trousers.

What my bad photograph failed to capture was that the 'hand'stand was actually a two finger stand. Here he is again psyching himself up for the incredible feat of strength and balance.

After weeks of rehearsals, daughter Charis finally had the opening night of the play "Splash" in which she had a leading role as Preston Parrot. She delivered her lines confidently and sung her solo with the beautiful clear voice that still catches me by surprise. I felt so proud of her and enjoyed spending time with my mum who is a loyal supporter of her granddaughter's theatrical pursuits. 

My cold which has been sabotaging my weight loss efforts and making me feel generally miserable is retreating. I have no excuse now. Time to get back on track with my diet. I am so close to being where I want to be in terms of body shape and fitness and I am beginning to feel back in control, energised and ready. If I can actually see the numbers on the scale heading in the right direction again, that really will give me a Reason to be Cheerful.


  1. that festival sounded amazing! I'm trying to get my diet back on track too...

  2. Great reasons, the park sounded like a great time. I'm noticing a lot of cheerful reasons this weeke seems to feature fitness and weight loss, we are all going to look fabulous with all this effort!!

  3. Amazing acrobat. Good luck with the weight. Glad your daughter did well.

  4. Lovely mix of reasons. I had to miss out on that event but managed to smile anyway. Weight is such an issue for women so well done on progress so far and here's to the next little bit.
    I always love reading of your pride in your family

  5. Another great week, I always find you really inspirational love. Enjoy this week too. Mich x
