
Friday 8 July 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

I am terrible for letting things build up until they are so big they become difficult to deal with. Usually it is the ironing pile but the mountain that threatened to overwhelm me this time was the unread emails in my Inbox. When they got to nearly a thousand I felt it was definitely time to take action or run screaming from the computer. It has taken me hours but I finally have an empty Inbox and I can't tell you how much better that feels.

I had a really enjoyable day at the Christmas in July Event on Tuesday. I got to meet some blogger friends, notably New Mum Online, Liska whose #Mumentum group is inspiring me to achieve my ideal weight goal, and got to poke and play with lots of toys. The lunch was gorgeous, especially the colourful fresh fruit kebabs which I could consume without guilt. 

I had nothing in particular planned for this weekend until my little sis told me she had spare tickets for the Pandamonium in the Park family festival tomorrow at Althorp House in Northamptonshire. How could I turn down the chance to experience Dragon Dancing, Shaolin Monks, Asian Cookery Demos and music by the Pandamonic Orchestra (not to mention the slightly scary looking Kung Fu Panda)? 


  1. I won some tickets to that event but looks like I won't be able to go after all. Have lots of fun.
    Missed the Christmas in July thing too. Why is everything down South?
    Well done on that email achievement, a big one.

  2. Oh My Paula, 1000 emails - that is madness! I woudl have been cowerign under the table - a wreck! So glad you cleared that out.

    Have an amazing time with Wendy and the gang today.

    Mich x

  3. I really enjoyed reading your reasons. The christmas in july sounds like a blast wish i could have gone were was it?
