
Saturday 2 July 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

I'm a little later with this than I usually am, not because I had no Reasons to be Cheerful, rather I had too many and they were all keeping me very busy!

It is Carnival Weekend in the town where I live and today, at least, the sun shone beautifully on the festivities - festivities that included my girls' band 'Not Quite' doing a live performance of some of their original songs and covers. There where some issues with the sound system but they battled through and were well received. Once again I felt immensely proud. They will be playing again tomorrow in a marquee amidst the main attractions. 

My first husband took himself very seriously which didn't leave much room for laughter. I am so grateful that my husband now has no such issues. 
If our son wakes up in the night, it is usually my husband that goes to him and tries to settle him - or if that fails, brings him to me. 
My husband prefers to sleep naked.
So as not to find himself in the awkward position of bumping into one of my grown up daughters on the landing with his bits on full display, he usually pops a pair of undies on before going to the baby's room.
We are both suffering a bit with tiredness at the moment for all sorts of reasons (most of them good). When the baby started to cry, my husband sat up and got out of bed on auto pilot. As usual, he went to his  underwear drawer. What happened next changed my casual disinterest in his activities into alert bemusement. Instead of putting on his underpants, he took out a pair of socks and put them on. He then proceeded to go and fetch the baby with his little black ankle socks pulled up high and his manly bits in full  glorious view for all to see. 
Thankfully, my girls were all in their rooms and oblivious to the ridiculous sight of their stepfather.
It wasn't until he handed me the baby and saw the look on my face that he even realised that anything was amiss.
We did laugh.

I really have to stop referring to our son as 'the baby'. He turned one year old this week which meant (amongst other things) cake. I always love an excuse to bake a cake.

As well as cake (oops - there goes the diet again!) it was a time for reflection and celebration and thinking about how much joy my little man has brought into my life.

He is such a laid back, happy little soul, generous with his kisses and cuddles. He loves his food. He is strong and tough and has the softest skin. He loves anything with wheels. He has an expressive little face and a beautiful smile. He is my son and I adore him. What better Reason to be Cheerful?


  1. Happy (Belated) Birthday Little Man :) xxx

    And I just choked on my drink laughing at reason 2....

  2. Happy Birthday again to Dylan...definitely a reason to be cheerful xxx

  3. More cake! and more raspberries! It's a bad week for dieting then.....
    Happy Birthday to your little one.

  4. Ahh beautiful, the love for your family just shines through in every post you do Paula. You must be an amazing Mum.

    Lol at your hubbie.

    Mich x

  5. Beautiful cake! Some very good reasons here :)
