
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Feed a Cold...

My mum always says "Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever".

I have a cold. I am feeding it.

My mum also says something about whistling women and crowing hens, but I mostly ignore that one.

So, I have a cold and I am feeding it without giving much thought to what that might mean to my longed for weight loss. I do know that trying to restrict food intake when I am feeling rubbish is never going to work so all I can do is hope that I recover quickly and can relaunch my diet with renewed enthusiasm.

In less than a fortnight I will be running my 5K Race for Life and the last thing I want is to be carrying excess flab baggage. Actually, the last thing I want is to feel my wobbly bits jiggling as I run the course but effectively, that amounts to the same thing.

It really shouldn't be such a struggle to lose the last few pounds to achieve my ideal weight. I just need to get organised and get on with it. Now, if I can stop sneezing... that is exactly what I'll do!


  1. Awwh I hope you feel better soon. My mum has the same theory as yours about feeding a cold and I have to say thats all I want to do, and sadly the healthy stuff when feeling ill just doesn't cut it does it! Good luck with your 5K race x

  2. So sorry to hear you are not well. There is a lot of people at work full of cold. Hope you are feeling much better soon x x

    Good luck with the race xx

    Dianne x

  3. Hope you feel much better soon and that your 5k race goes well. looking forward to seeing how you get on x

  4. I hope you feel better soon & good luck with the race

  5. Best of luck with your Race for Life.

  6. Oh all goes out the window when you have a cold! You have to make yourself feel better, food is usually the key! Hope you feel better soon and good luck with the race :-) x

  7. Aww it's tough to do anything when you're feeling ill so have lots of chicken soup.. and chocolate. Good luck with the run and hope you're fighting fit soon :-)
