
Saturday 16 July 2011

A Busy Week for Preston Parrot

It has been a busy week for my little Charis. I say 'little' - at 14 years of age she is actually taller than me (and I'm not exactly short at 5' 9") but she is the youngest of the four girls from my first marriage.

The beginning of the week saw her involved in increasingly stressful rehearsals for the play she was taking part in. The stress was a result of people dropping out at the last minute in protest at being told that they would not be allowed to the After Show Party because they had chosen to go to a school disco rather than a rehearsal. These arty types! What are they like?!!

You have to believe that It'll be Aright on the Night - and it was. Better than alright actually. It was thoroughly entertaining and well acted.

On the opening night, Charis was marvellously confident in her role and got a big cheer (not just from me and my mum) when she came out to take her bow at the end.

The following day was school sports day. Charis is very determined but I think she would forgive me for saying that she is not a natural athlete. She didn't come last in any of her races but neither was she going to gain any recognition for her placings. When she got home she was exhausted - overheated and croaky - and she had another performance to pull out of the bag that evening.

Like a true professional, she sorted herself out and found the energy to give 100% to her portrayal of Preston the singing Parrot.

It came as a complete surprise to me that at the end of the show, the Amateur Dramatic Society presented Charis with the impressively named "Bill Marston Trophy for outstanding effort and a consistently high standard of work". She showed off her framed certificate and silver cup with great pride.

The After Show Party kept her busy late into the evening.

She desperately needed a well earned rest but the following day she had to be at school (thankfully not too early) to catch a coach that would take her and fellow linguists on a trip to Spain to immerse themselves in the language and culture. We were still packing her bags minutes before we needed to leave but I think we remembered everything.

A smiling, excited girl boarded that coach for her next adventure. I just hope she managed to get some sleep!

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